MSC.1/Circular.1194 – Effective Implementation of SOLAS Chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code – (30 May 2006) MSC.1/Circular.1195 – Guidelines for the Conduct of High-speed Craft Model Tests – (2 June 2006) MSC.1/Circular.1196 – Means of Embarkation on and Disembarkation from Ships – (6 June 2006)


IMO MSC.1/Circ.1432 IMO MSC.1/Circ. 1312 – Revised Guidelines for the Performance and Testing Criteria, and Surveys of Foam Concentrates for Fixed Fire extinguishing Systems IMO MSC.1/Circ.798 – Guidelines for Performance and Testing Criteria and Surveys of Medium expansion Concentrates for Fire Extinguishing Systems

1186: 01/06/06: Guidelines on the training of SAR service personnel working in major incidents: MSC.1/Circ. 1208: 22/05/06: Promoting and verifying continued familiarization of GMDSS operators on board ships: MSC.1/Circ. 1210/Rev.1: 21/11/14: Cospas-Sarsat International 406 Mhz Beacon Registration Database: MSC.1/Circ. 1218: 15/12/06 MSC.1/Circ.1519 Annex, page 1 Documents/English/MSC.1-CIRC.1519 (E).docx ANNEX GUIDANCE ON METHODOLOGIES FOR ASSESSING OPERATIONAL MSC.1/Circular.1507 - Amendments to the Unified Interpretations of the Provisions of SOLAS Chapters II-1 and XII, of the Technical Provisions for Means of Access for Inspections (Resolution MSC.158(78)) and of the Performance Standards for Water Level Detectors on Bulk Carriers and Single Hold Cargo Ships Other Than Bulk Carriers (Resolution MSC.188(79)) (MSC.1/Circ.1464/Rev.1) – (5 June The submitted sample was tested according to IMO MSC.1/Circ.1312 protocols and found to be in a . satisfactory condition. Please note this result is only our opinion and has been reached without sight of . your foam supplier’s sales sheet.

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Foam concentrates offered are MED, IMO MSC.1/Circ.1312 approved. IMO MSC.1/Circu1ar 1312 - Types: "AFFF The attached Design Appraisal Document forms part of this certificate. This certificate remains valid unless cancelled or revoked, provided the conditions in the attached Design Appraisal Document are complied with and the … 2018-10-02 IMO E Ref: T4/4.01 MSC.1/Circ.1318 11 June 2009 GUIDELINES FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTIONS OF FIXED CARBON DIOXIDE FIRE-EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS 1 The Committee, at its eighty-sixth session (27 May to 5 June 2009), having considered the proposal by the Sub-Committee on Fire Protection, at its fifty-third session, approved The Liberian Registry MSC.1/Circ.1318 . Guidelines for the maintenance and inspections of fixed Carbon Dioxide fire-extinguishing systems. The Committee, at its eighty-sixth session (27 May to 5 June 2009), having considered the proposal by the Sub-Committee on Fire Protection, at its fifty-third session, approved Guidelines for the maintenance and inspections of fixed carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing systems, as Test results according to IMO MSC.1/Circ. 1312 Freeze Thaw and Heat Resistance Stability The freeze thawing procedures were performed in accordance with the standard including four freeze thaw cycles followed by seven days at 600C. The foam concentrate was examined for signs of stratification and sedimentation.

One written exam (TEN1, 3 hp), Project task (PRO1; 3hp), Exercises (ÖVN1 1,5 hp) class on resolution of problems and tasks of the operator in a human-machine system. MSc-level studies in energy technology or equivalent. Engelska / English Övningar 18 h Workshop 2 h.

30 Apr 2015 1. Life-saving appliances. Column 4: IMO MSC/ Circular 980 should apply except when superseded by the IMO MSC.1/Circ.1312. — IMO  5 Dec 2020 1.

Imo msc.1 circ.1312

MSC.1/Circ. 1186: 01/06/06: Guidelines on the training of SAR service personnel working in major incidents: MSC.1/Circ. 1208: 22/05/06: Promoting and verifying continued familiarization of GMDSS operators on board ships: MSC.1/Circ. 1210/Rev.1: 21/11/14: Cospas-Sarsat International 406 Mhz Beacon Registration Database: MSC.1/Circ. 1218: 15/12/06

IMO MSC. 1/Circ. 1312; MED Modules B and D; Application. CHEMGUARD® C337-LT13 3x3 AR-AFFF Concentrate is intended for use on both types of Class B fires: hydrocarbon n IMO MSC.1/Circ. 1312 n MED Modules B and D ICAO Level B SKUM AFFF 3% MG Concentrate is intended for use on Class B hydrocarbon fuel fires with low water solubility, such as crude oils, gasolines, diesel fuels, and aviation fuels.

This certificate remains valid unless cancelled or revoked, provided the conditions in the attached Design Appraisal Document are complied with and the equipment remains satisfactory in service. Date of issue Certificate No. Sheet No Note: MSC.1/Circ.1519 Annex, page 1 Documents/English/MSC.1-CIRC.1519 (E).docx ANNEX GUIDANCE ON METHODOLOGIES FOR ASSESSING OPERATIONAL IMO E Ref. T1/2.01 MSC/Circ.1117 24 June 2004 GUIDANCE FOR CHECKING THE STRUCTURE OF BULK CARRIERS 1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its seventy-eighth session (12 to 21 May 2004), following its decision that port States and the vari ous port State control regimes worldwide should be MSC.1/Circ.1312 - Revised Guidelines for the Performance and Testing Criteria, and Surveys of Foam Concentrates for Fixed Fire-Extinguishing Systems Ref. T4/4.01 MSC.1/Circ.1370 22 June 2010 GUIDELINES FOR THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND TESTING OF FIXED HYDROCARBON GAS DETECTION SYSTEMS 1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its eighty-seventh session (12 to 21 May 2010), having considered the proposal by the Sub-Committee on Fire Protection, at its fifty-fourth (MSC.1/Circ.1392 and Circ.1327) MSC.1/Circ.1392, Paragraph 4 Member Governments are strongly urged to ensure that all ships which are fitted with on-load release systems for lifeboats, are equipped with fall preventer devices as per paragraph 6 of these Guidelines at the earliest opportunity. MSC.1/Circ.1392, Annex Paragraph 6 IMO E Ref. T4/3.01 MSC.1/Circ.1331 11 June 2009 GUIDELINES FOR CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION/SURVEY OF MEANS OF EMBARKATION AND DISEMBARKATION 1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its eighty-sixth session (27 May to 5 June 2009), with a view to providing specific guidance on the construction, installation, maintenance and IMO MSC.1/Circ.1432 IMO MSC.1/Circ. 1312 – Revised Guidelines for the Performance and Testing Criteria, and Surveys of Foam Concentrates for Fixed Fire extinguishing Systems IMO MSC.1/Circ.798 – Guidelines for Performance and Testing Criteria and Surveys of Medium expansion Concentrates for Fire Extinguishing Systems I:\CIRC\MSC\01\MSC.1-CIRC.1205-Rev.1.docx E 4 ALBERT EMBANKMENT LONDON SE1 7SR Telephone: +44 (0)20 7735 7611 Fax: +44 (0)20 7587 3210 MSC.1/Circ.1205/Rev.1 26 June 2019 REVISED GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPING OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS FOR LIFEBOAT SYSTEMS 1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its eighty-first session (10 to 19 May 2006), taking 3.
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187 MSC.1/Circ.1353/Rev.1 Annex, page 2 I:\CIRC\MSC\01\1353-Rev-1.doc 1.2 Preparation of the manual The Cargo Securing Manual should be developed, taking into account the recommendations given in these Guidelines, and should be written in the working language or languages of the ship. Test procedures in IMO MSC.1/Circ. 1312 recommend that a 2-liter sample be checked annually for the following parameters: - Sedimentation - pH value - Expansion ratio - Drainage time/stability - Volumic mass - Alcohol Resistancy LALIZAS offers an unbiased analysis of foam samples that are in accordance with the IMO The versatile AR Fluorine-Free Foam (F3) ECOPOL Premium now complies with IMO MSC.1/Circ 1312 for fire protection onboard vessels and marine application. Tempest Technology Corporation is at Fresno C.A. February 1 at 3:21 PM · Fresno, CA · It's a fantastic day to make great things in # Fresno.

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Punkt 1 bör följa anvisningarna i MSC.1/Circ.14332 21 MSC.1/Circ.1312, Revised Guidelines for the performance and testing criteria, and Lågt placerat ledljus ska uppfylla kraven i resolution A.752(18)24 samt i ISO.

1218: 15/12/06 MSC.1/Circ.1392 Annex, page 3 I:\CIRC\MSC\01\1392.doc 9.1 Lifeboat release and retrieval system is the means by which the lifeboat is connected to, and released from, the lifeboat falls for lowering, launch and retrieval. IMO MSC. 1/Circ. 1312; MED Modules B and D; Application.

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MSC.1/Circ.1431, changing the name for mandatory application, e.g.,. “ performance standard for helicopter facility foam fire-fighting appliances”; and .2.

All. Annually.

Solvent fires or regular ones for hydrocarbon fires. Foam concentrates offered are MED, IMO MSC.1/Circ.1312 approved.

Test Results according to IMO MSC.1/Circ.1312 . Freeze Thaw and Heat Resistance Stability. The freeze thawing procedures were performed in accordance with the standard including four freeze thaw cycles followed by seven days at 60. o C . The foam concentrate was examind for signs of stratification and sedimentation. Result : The IMO (International Maritime Organization) has two testing standards - IMO MSC.1/Circ.1312 and MSC Circ.670. These standards ensure that foam used at sea is fit for purpose and takes into consideration performance with sea water induction and temperature conditioning (accelerated ageing).

15 Abr 2020 IMO MSC/Circ.1312, MSC/Circ.670 and MSC/Circ.798. 4, Análisis de agua potable visual buque, SOLAS II-1/3-9.3. IMO MSC.1/Circ.1331. 30 Apr 2015 1. Life-saving appliances.